Mummy Tombs

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Geliştirici: CrazyCouch Apps
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In order for the soul, or spirit, to be preserved, a ceremony called mummification had to take place.

Mummification is the process of drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting. To the Egyptians mummification provided a home for the spirit to live in the afterlife. The procedure was very costly, and so usually only royalty or the wealthy were mummified. People spent a lifetime saving up money to have a decent burial. Mummification was a slow process - it took almost 70 days to complete.

Application Features:

Many people want to know where the mummies of the pharaohs can be found.

To help you track them down, the Mummy Tombs collection presents a list of the pharaohs whose mummies have been located and identified. Please be aware that this is not a complete list of pharaohs because many of their mummies have not been discovered.

Pharaohs usually had (at least) three names: a Horus name (the royal name), a personal name, and later (after the Greeks came to call) a Greek name--so not every researcher uses the same name for a pharaoh.

The Mummy Tombs collection presents:

•What are mummies
•The Legend of Osiris and Isis
•Other uses for mummies
•All about the Mummification process
•Mummymaking Facts
•Historical Info
•All about King Tutankhamon and his Curse
•Featured Egyptian Mummies
•Animal Mummies
•Mummies from all around the world
•Mummy Science
...and many more on the subject.

The Mummy Tombs collection also presents some fabulous and amazing (yet some might find them disturbing) photos of mummies from all around the world !

Learn all about mummies and mummification by purchasing the Mummy Tombs app now ! Share it with your friends and family via email or using the integrated Facebook function.